Funerals back to normal

These have been difficult times for anyone who has suffered a bereavement.  Numbers attending funerals have been tightly restricted and any large gatherings following a service or ceremony have not been possible.

Of course, this has given rise to the online funeral so that loved ones at a distance, or unable to attend for various reasons, can still take part in the proceedings and that is a trend that is likely to continue.

However, because funerals are such an important part of the bereavement process, the latest situation has been one of unhappy compromise, which is why it is such a relief that restrictions have now been lifted and our Middleton funerals resume.

There are now no legal limits to the numbers attending a funeral or commemorative event which means one less problem for anyone tasked with organising the event.

That also means your plans can be as extravagant or as low key as you, or the deceased person, would wish them to be.

Numbers invited will always depend upon the size of the venue and how many people that can be safely accommodated. 

And even though restrictions have been lifted, it is still probably best to check with the venue about how many people can attend and any other safety measures they have in place. 

A venue may even set their own maximum numbers just to keep people – including their staff – safe. 

Can anyone attend a funeral?

It makes sense for anyone feeling unwell to stay at home, however much their desire is to say goodbye to a loved one.

But even when funeral numbers were limited, it was still possible to attend when self-isolating. That situation remains, although the Government suggests the following measures if you do choose to attend in person:

  • Tell the funeral director, venue and other people attending.
  • Keep at a safe distance from others.
  • Wear a face covering.

Use your own transport to the funeral and return home immediately afterwards.

Do I need to keep my distance?

The answer is no. You may also hug and get close up to others at a funeral. Of course, that’s only if they wish you to do so. If people want you to keep your distance then you need to respect their wishes and you must always be aware that there may be some people at the funeral who are vulnerable and are at a higher risk of becoming ill, either because they are over 70-years-old or have a pre-existing condition.

Can I hold a wake after a funeral?

The wake following a funeral has been absent from the proceedings for a very long time but now it is possible for loved ones to come together after the ceremony. Again, numbers will be limited by the size of venue but there are no restrictions as Middleton funerals resume. 

If you have any questions about funerals getting back to normal then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us on the link below and we will be able to guide you every step of the way. 


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